I am not crazy or impatient for watching idiot box on regular basis. I do take care to keep myself updated with the news, announcements, and declarations and I do tune in periodically to update. Being music lover, during weekends, after regular chore, I do switch in to watch my musical and dance shows relayed on weekends. Normally, I am unable to catch on regular time but try to watch repeated telecast in my leisure hours.
Generally, I don’t watch advertisements in between the shows rather I catch up with my incomplete chores. One day, I was lazing around during break and watched Swiggy ads depicting Mom and child. In first go, I took it at ease but when I watched in repetition over different channels, tentacles of my mind was alarmed.
I felt pity for the ad team of who on spree to establish the brand in the market preferred to disgrace mother’s instinct of unconditional love and affection.
Is it fair on the part of the Swiggy brand promotion team?
A big No…I would say and I believe that the Mom fraternity and the family people would not digest it easily if they watch the advertisement carefully.
The truth is, Mom is the most caring creature on the planet who is ever ready to attend to their baby‘s call unmindful how old is she. The instinct is found in all mothers irrespective of species, human, birds or animals.
If at any time of the hour, the child asks for food…Mom is ready to cook and serve…not only Mom, all motherly figure, Moms, Aunts or Grannies tend to have the same tendency to attend to their child and promise them a good satisfying meal.
It is believed that No Food can replace the taste of food cooked by Mom, because she cooks with devoted love and devotion which spice up the indispensable relation.
Swiggy’s ad depicts that the Mom ignores the request of children to provide them with the sumptuous meal rather places an online order to Swiggy and the delivery boy is at the doorstep with the food parcel.
I felt quite hurt watching these ads and could not imagine as to why Swiggy stooped so low for branding.
Why Swiggy depicted such sensitive issue to demean the worth of Mother’s love for TVC
The time is changing and so the values and ethics. The Kids of today are not so concerned about their elders and if a Mom acts in a typical way as shown in advertisements, will the kids have respect for their Mom.
The message aired should be in the line of accordance of society.
Please don’t create a bad image of a Mom to promote your brand. There are umpteen ways to gather public attention towards a brand, why stoop to such a level where you demean a Lady who is worshipped as a Goddess by their children and considered to be a Super Woman with Super Powers.
As far as I know about myself, my ancestors, my friend circle and society, Mom gets over anxious if a child skips one bread less than their appetite.
I do agree, Mom have their own life and she can enjoy TV games with her child or a leisure period with her Mom and child…but she cannot go to an extent to order food on Food chain website when child requests to prepare his/her favorite homemade food.
Yeah, Mom throws parties to celebrate special occasions and weekends but still a kind request of a child for home cooked food can never get ignored.
I request Brand promotion team to study the bad impact of the ad on social strata and Motherly figure.
Please withdraw the current advertisement depicting Mom and child with a kind request for food…don’t demean the generous love of a Mother.
Readers, please do share your views on this article.
Will love to receive brickbats, applause and criticism.
Ila Varma
Mom of Two Kids.
11 replies on “Why Demean Mother’s Love for Brand Promotion? #Swiggy”
I didn’t find much wrong with the ad. It’s ok to enjoy other moments ( like playing or massage) with your child or any loved ones rather than just cooking. Yes no doubt mom is the most caring especially when it comes to food.. But still at times it is fine… I also order it online some times…. Don’t you??
I do rarely. Here in TVC, it shows that the Mom is playing game in one ad and in another Mom n Naani both are in leisure mood and when kid asks for homemade food, Swiggy food parcel is offered. It did not go well with me. It would have been other way such as hosting a surprise party on special occasions, reward them when they excel. Mom is a responsible tag and no Mom can easily ignore child simple requests.
I wished to read other views on this take and I did not like it personally, it appeared disgraceful
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views Monica.
Ila, I respect your views and I am glad you aired them.
I’ve watched all ads by Swiggy. Honestly, I thought they were a fun take on motherhood.
A mother beating her son at a game, another indulging in a dessert after the child is asleep. Still another asking for a plate of Gajar Halwa to be ordered.
I think Motherhood is a pedestal created by society, and it’s lonely up there.
You can, and still are, a good Mom even of you don’t cook for your child and order in while you choose to spend time with them instead.
Times are changing, and along with it the definition of Motherhood is too
I have the grudges against two ads n the links are there in my post.
Thanks for your comments.
Agree with you . A mom is ever ready to feed her kids , except few instnaces where in either she is ill or too busy , but showing such commercials is not good.creates a wrong image of today’s mom.
Yes Ghazala…The image of a Mom is different than shown in TVC. thanks for stopping by.
I respect your views on this Ila, and ues at times ad agencies get insensitive or out right stupod to convey messages.
However, in this particular case I do not find it hurtful. It’s just that Mother who has always been depicted or shown as nurturer/ caregiver has grown over the time. And she has also accepted to enjoy few moments.
We also order and enjoy our moments (often). These are my thoughts 🙂
I do support that the Mom has the right to enjoy and in my family, we share equal rights and liabilities but the way of depiction is wrong. They could have depicted special occasion to order online food but I felt wrong that on the insistence that “bahoot Dinoo se tumhare haath ki bhindi nahin khayee” and the online order is placed. No food can replace home cooked food, hope you too agree on this point.
Further, in my family, a lot is into hotel industry and we know how fresh the food is. Everything is stored under freezing point and nothing is fresh, so it is good to have rarely.
I don’t think this ad should face so much harshness. The perception matters a lot. Yes at first thought one might be inclined to agree with your views, but on second thoughts, I think this ad may not depict a typical day in your routine. Rather a one of situation where I as a mother may just want to chill and enjoy while ensuring that my kid fills up his tummy.
I personally know of dozens of such instances where mom’s wait for their kids with sumptuous meals prepared by her hands, yet kids turn up home having eaten outside or order from outside not wanting to eat home cooked food. The premise in our real lives is also not always about healthy food, it is sometimes about wish and convenience. Let’s take this ad in good humour and have a laugh over wanting to have a leisurely evening ourselves
I welcome your views. You did not understand my emotions