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Times have changed and the outlook of Men and senior
women too have undergone change.
I mentioned senior women because they have a major
role in reformation of males of a family and the women of olden times
discouraged menfolk to enter the arena of household which they looked upon as “
The Women’s World” and disliked the entry of males in their own spaces.
role in reformation of males of a family and the women of olden times
discouraged menfolk to enter the arena of household which they looked upon as “
The Women’s World” and disliked the entry of males in their own spaces.
The mind-set needs to be unplugged, it is the demand
of the hour in the scenario where the lifestyle and the social strata of the
society have undergone tremendous change.
of the hour in the scenario where the lifestyle and the social strata of the
society have undergone tremendous change.
Now woman has stepped out of the house and is
rubbing shoulders with the male counterpart in the domain outside home and
works in equal capacity, so her roles at home too need to change. The young
guys of now residing in cosmopolitan towns and cities have construed and admitted
this fact to some extent but still it is a long journey and we have to go miles
and miles to break the stereotype role of a woman in our society.
rubbing shoulders with the male counterpart in the domain outside home and
works in equal capacity, so her roles at home too need to change. The young
guys of now residing in cosmopolitan towns and cities have construed and admitted
this fact to some extent but still it is a long journey and we have to go miles
and miles to break the stereotype role of a woman in our society.
People need to understand that in previous times,
women were assigned household tasks not because of her gender but there was a
joint family concept, so many women resided under the same roof and they all
shared the responsibility of household work. It was a boon to stay jointly in
respect of work divisions, none were strained rather the job was enjoyable and
it was not a burden for any one of the house.
women were assigned household tasks not because of her gender but there was a
joint family concept, so many women resided under the same roof and they all
shared the responsibility of household work. It was a boon to stay jointly in
respect of work divisions, none were strained rather the job was enjoyable and
it was not a burden for any one of the house.
Joint family disintegrated…nuclear family emerged
and the entire burden of household fell on the shoulders of a woman and the
poor lady was trapped under the entire work, right from rearing the kids to
entertaining the guests. The men and the children of the house did not partake
in shouldering responsibilities of the house because since ages, they had seen the
women of the house working and they were not accustomed. Sharing household job,
men were not comfortable with it, be it husbands, sons or fathers of the house.
and the entire burden of household fell on the shoulders of a woman and the
poor lady was trapped under the entire work, right from rearing the kids to
entertaining the guests. The men and the children of the house did not partake
in shouldering responsibilities of the house because since ages, they had seen the
women of the house working and they were not accustomed. Sharing household job,
men were not comfortable with it, be it husbands, sons or fathers of the house.
Men was men and they believed that the arena of
their duties was managing outside chores, it was ingrained in their minds
their duties was managing outside chores, it was ingrained in their minds
The girls got educated and believed in taking up a
job out of choice or out of sharing economic burden of the male responsibility.
job out of choice or out of sharing economic burden of the male responsibility.
She took the task of managing outside quite amicably
but the home task became tougher for her day by day but the men did not notice.
They were attune in watching their mothers and aunts working so they never
found anything out of the world or unreal that their lady of the house was
but the home task became tougher for her day by day but the men did not notice.
They were attune in watching their mothers and aunts working so they never
found anything out of the world or unreal that their lady of the house was
The years between 80’s to 2000 was very crucial for
the women. She managed inside and outside all by herself without a grumble. She
too was ignorant of the reality that the men need to share her burden and she
gave in her maximal with integrity but her health started suffering and she
lost her feminine charm.
the women. She managed inside and outside all by herself without a grumble. She
too was ignorant of the reality that the men need to share her burden and she
gave in her maximal with integrity but her health started suffering and she
lost her feminine charm.
Time changed and the world got connected globally
and awareness spread in in India that the male counterpart need to take up the
role of managing household job as females have taken up strides to be at par
with men.
and awareness spread in in India that the male counterpart need to take up the
role of managing household job as females have taken up strides to be at par
with men.
It took time but gradually men started #sharingtheload pouring help
in taking care of the kids, helping them in dressing, helping in kitchen and in
small steps one at a time they entered into the entire household domain, this
eased the work burden of the lady of the house and this sharing attitude of
husbands brought sweet curves on their faces and she felt loved and
in taking care of the kids, helping them in dressing, helping in kitchen and in
small steps one at a time they entered into the entire household domain, this
eased the work burden of the lady of the house and this sharing attitude of
husbands brought sweet curves on their faces and she felt loved and
Pic Credits: here
Washing domain was forbidden for men in the start
because ladies are tidier in work in comparison to men and the clothes need to
be sorted out as per their fabric, colour properties and washing type required.
because ladies are tidier in work in comparison to men and the clothes need to
be sorted out as per their fabric, colour properties and washing type required.
With the arrival of washing machine in each and
every household, it became easy for the men to share the load of washing and
the game is easy for them now with the programmed gadgets and the work load of
women reduced.
every household, it became easy for the men to share the load of washing and
the game is easy for them now with the programmed gadgets and the work load of
women reduced.
I would like to share a secret with you, how
efficiently the husbands handle the washing machines, woman don’t take risk of
giving her attires a try fearing they might mess. She works on safer side and she
wash her clothes on her own, I am one of the ready example. I let my guys (husband
& sons) try their hands in kitchen or other chores but I keep my clothes
away from them. Just can’t dream of giving them a try.
efficiently the husbands handle the washing machines, woman don’t take risk of
giving her attires a try fearing they might mess. She works on safer side and she
wash her clothes on her own, I am one of the ready example. I let my guys (husband
& sons) try their hands in kitchen or other chores but I keep my clothes
away from them. Just can’t dream of giving them a try.
The image of a stereotype type women have modified
in the urban areas and the young guys of today eagerly take part in household
work comforting the ladies of the house, be it mothers, sisters or wife.
in the urban areas and the young guys of today eagerly take part in household
work comforting the ladies of the house, be it mothers, sisters or wife.
In the beginning, when male members moved forward to
help females of the house, onlookers looked at with scorn but now males are encouraged.
help females of the house, onlookers looked at with scorn but now males are encouraged.
Now if a son serves tea to the guests or man of the
house lays table for the guests, cooks food in the kitchen, it’s taken as
normal.They are #sharingtheload.
house lays table for the guests, cooks food in the kitchen, it’s taken as
normal.They are #sharingtheload.
Though in small towns and rural areas, woman don’t
have much choice.
have much choice.
From early childhood, boys should be encouraged to help
his mother or sister at home and the values of equality should be instilled in
them right from their childhood.
his mother or sister at home and the values of equality should be instilled in
them right from their childhood.
The fair ethics instilled at right time plays a
vital role in all round development of a child, rear a child with right values.
vital role in all round development of a child, rear a child with right values.
The gender needs to be recognized but not at a cost
of differentiating between genders. Except for giving birth to a child
undergoing bone wracking pain, no job is gender specific.
of differentiating between genders. Except for giving birth to a child
undergoing bone wracking pain, no job is gender specific.
Men are wrestlers so are women; Men are boxers so
are women; Men earn to run the house so are woman.
are women; Men earn to run the house so are woman.
Woman are rubbing shoulders with men then why to
bring in discrimination in rendering the duties.
bring in discrimination in rendering the duties.
Wake up, share even responsibilities and bring in
smiles to your family and society.
smiles to your family and society.
Mothers too need to take the charge of instilling
values in their sons to see their son’s future and family thriving in peace and
the daughter-in-law will be happy and she will follow into your steps
formatting the coming generations.
values in their sons to see their son’s future and family thriving in peace and
the daughter-in-law will be happy and she will follow into your steps
formatting the coming generations.
This survey shows what people think and collective
opinion shows doing any household chore specially laundry is a women’s job.
opinion shows doing any household chore specially laundry is a women’s job.
Most households are of the collective opinion that doing any household chore, especially laundry, is a woman’s job. Ariel and BlogAdda fought the imbalance within the household by asking#IsLaundryOnlyAWomansJob and asking men to #ShareTheLoad a while back. And now it’s time to think of a long term solution to this problem by nipping the prejudice at the bud.
“I am joining the Ariel #ShareTheLoad campaign at BlogAdda and blogging about the prejudice related to household chores being passed on to the next generation.”
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