Mithi finds it difficult to contain her excitement this morning. She would be going to her favorite Doctor Aunty’s clinic after being locked up at home for about 3 months now! She would be going for her flu vaccination and she has never been afraid of taking shots from Dr. Aunty. In fact, she is pretty happy to be going out of the confines of her home after such a long time.
When Mithi’s Maa teleconsulted Dr. Aunty the last time, she had guided Aruna about the precautions and measures to be taken at home during the Coronavirus era. She asked to abide by the following things religiously to stay safe and happy:
1. Lockdown means strictly staying at home. Children should not go out to play with friends and visitors should not be allowed in the house.
2. Teach children the importance of hygiene and proper handwashing with soap and water. Demonstrate how to do it. Hand sanitizers are to be used only when soap and water are not available. Teach them how to cough and sneeze into a tissue and discard it immediately followed by 20 seconds hand washing.

3. A healthy balanced diet should be encouraged, incorporating fruits, vegetables, and adequate protein.
4. Children should get adequate sleep.
5. There should be some form of physical activity for about 30 minutes or more every day. This could be walking indoors, skipping a rope, freehand exercises or yoga. It is best to make it a fun family activity.
6. Restrict screen time. Other than the online classes that children have to attend, restrict their recreational screen time.
7. Encourage them to pursue a hobby or learn something new that interests them. It could be a craft, a musical instrument, or even a language. Inculcate the habit of reading. Solicit their help in cooking and cleaning. Play indoor and board games with them. Maintain a comfortable daily routine.
8. Allow them to interact with friends and other family members over the phone or video calls to enjoy socialization which all are missing in the era of Corona.
9. Keep children away from any person who is unwell.
10. Ensure that their annual flu shot is taken.
9:00 AM
Child Specialty Clinic.
It is another day of work at the clinic. The doctor is ready to start the OPD after completely sanitizing the consultation area which is open and airy.
She has scrubbed her hands and then donned a PPE suit along with a face mask, face shield, and gloves. Though the fans are on full speed, it is hot and suffocating inside the suit and she knows that she wouldn’t be able to drink a single sip of water or visit the restroom for the next few hours but this is the new normal way of working she tells herself and carries on.
The appointments have been given strictly 15-20 minutes apart and only one parent with the child is allowed to enter at a time. Parents and children above the age of two years are asked to wear masks. Those who don’t have them are provided the same by the hospital.
Thermal screening is done at the entrance and hand sanitizer provided. People are instructed not to touch any furniture or the walls and maintain social distance. After every patient, the surfaces are sanitized once again and the sheet on the examination table changed. Though all this is tedious and time-consuming, adequate precautions are being taken to keep everyone safe from coronavirus infection.
Mithi is taken aback by the surprising rituals in the era of new normal while entering the clinic and the appearance of Dr. Aunty which comes as a shock to her.

She looks like an astronaut wearing a space suit and extremely intimidating. However, Mithi begins to relax on hearing her familiar voice and they chitchat as usual about school, books and friends while going through the motions and before Mithi knows it, there is a tiny prick on her thigh and the vaccination is done!
While bidding them goodbye, Dr Aunty reiterates that Mithi should not leave the house unless absolutely necessary and when in need they should use her teleconsultation facility as far as possible to avoid
Another Guest post on the blog series, THE PANDEMIC THAT CHANGED OUR LIFE UPSIDE DOWN by Dr. Nandini, Mumbai.

Dr.Nandini Sarkar Shinde.Mumbai based consultant pediatrician who is a traveler,art lover and bibliophile.She is also a handloom enthusiast and a blogger. Here She narrates about a typical interaction at her clinic from the perspectives of both the patient and the doctor in the current times of corona virus pandemic.
7 replies on “See What Dr. Nandini Paediatrician Says About Care in Pandemic2020”
Well Dr. Nandini, I am saluting you for the writing and for bringing this up and opening the discussion about taking care in pandemic. Your post really resonated with me. Very simple, captivating and motivating post!! Hope to see a lot coming from you.
Thanks n keep visiting for more
Quite an optimistic approach that is much needed by professionals who we seeking most information and guidance from at these times. And honestly, there are only two groups available these days, one who do not care at all about corona and its spread and are not abiding by basic rules of social distancing and wearing some kind of masks when out, Then there are other set who are sanitizing beyond stupidity and relating every death human and animal to corona and mentally going into depression, as if the world is at it’s end!
Appreciate such information!
Thank You n visit regularly to know more.
Thanks for sharing specially for mother’s like us who have small children at home and at times it becomes difficult to understand them
Thank You n Be connected
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