To achieve something good and be versatile, we need to stretch out of our comfort zone.
The butterfly stretched herself out of the cocoon to see the beauty around and show her beauty to this world and the same implies to all.
You are a versatile singer or writer…people would know you better if you show your work to the world…so to gain something or to know what’s going around, one has to break the shell of comfort zone and become independent in entity and thought.
I remember my first day at school…I had cried a lot while parting from the lap of my Mom and the loving teacher appeared to be a monster, but once I got used to it, my love and respect for my teacher grew manifold and I followed her teachings and advices sincerely and one day, she became my role model…this all happened when I decided to explore the world around myself and equated my thoughts.
Similarly when I watched my Mom working in kitchen for long and sweating in summers, I felt sorry for her plight and thoughts exploded inside me as to why she was taking so much pain to feed all. Why can’t all prepare their own food stuff instead of been dependent on her and bothering her. When I was in my teens, I started experiments with food and then realized the happiness & satisfaction that one feels by serving the loved ones and the gratifications one feels is worth the effort.
There are people who don’t dare to take a plunge out of their comfort zone fearing that they might lose.
Life is a risk, the one who dares is a game changer.
Watch out the background of people who attained 100 percent success in life, maximum were those who started from scratch, took pains and dared, won the race…the eminent personalities of the world, who are reigning on the top or have reigned in the past were all who chased their dreams, sacrificed the privileges and took a dive into the sea of opportunities.
The people who dared and were courageous flared to the top. Right approach in the right direction is all required to accomplish success and to be successful, one has to go through the path of thick and thin, experience the good and the worst and then only Sky is the Limit for those courageous souls.
Come out of your cocoon and see the world with your own eyes and experience the joys of life.
‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’
11 replies on “Out of My Comfort Zone!!!”
You rightly said that one needs to step out of comfort zone to achieve their dreams. There is no shortcut to hard work. ?
Thanks Rajlakshmi
i completely agree! Fear does hold us back 🙂 I have experienced that over and over myself too! thanks for sharing – gratification is an interesting point you have raised
Thanks a lot.
It's very difficult to go out of comfort zone.But it's also.the only way to grow and adapt.Great reading
Yes Ila its all about coming out of the cocoon and exploring the world. Good one.
Indeed if we've to achieve something we have to come oout of our comfort zone. Success never serve on platter to you you have to achieve it. Yes I also cried on my first day of school thanks for sharing 🙂
Stepping out of comfort zone is the only way to learn. It's hard but makes us stronger.
thats so very true ..I was really really reluctant to write my first blog but when I decided to give it a go, it really clicked much so that because of support of my fellow blogger friends here , my Facebook blog page stands at almost 2100 followers in just about months or so and hence recently, I posted this blog to specially thank them :
Great post!!! And I completely agree… we need to come out of our cocoons to achieve our dreams 🙂