glory….voluminous, black & lustrous, silky tresses with a good texture and
free from hostages…lice & dandruff which makes life miserable. Hope you all agree. I haven’t included long hair because, in this fast pace of life, most people prefer medium to short hair, very few will be spotted with long hairs nowadays. Back to three-four decades, rarely we sighted fair sex with short hair, but now its common phenomena. In today’s life, the length of hair depends upon the profession of a person and the free time that she has in hand to maintain. Its length is proportional to time available with the person, Am I right? Hope so, you all will ditto my statement, excuse me
ladies, who have long hairs as exceptions are always there.
tresses adorn & highlight the beauty of a woman. All are not lucky to be
gifted with natural sheen or volume of hairs. It requires efforts to maintain
and regular care, which needs hairdressing on time.
ample time from my free time to myself. I use natural products and it indeed has helped me a lot. In my early days of childhood, I had sparse and thin hair, I believe it was in countable numbers if someone could take the trouble to take a count of it. Family members used to mock at me for my sparse hair as my sister had real crowning glory, it was god gifted but I wasn’t so lucky in this respect.
growth. I found that eggs are good for hair and you won’t believe it, next
moment, I was in the bathroom & “khataak”… broke a raw egg on my hair and massaged it in my scalp. I myself don’t know how I did it. Even now when I try to envisage, I wonder how I mustered so much courage to do. How I was successful in this venture at an early age of eight years, that too in the era of late seventies. Even nowadays kids can’t manage or mothers can’t leave it to the kids, but I was successful in my venture.
I had dared to try eggs on my hair in a family of three generations living under the same roof where non-veg. items were not allowed in the kitchen. It was cooked in a designated corner of the house and the utensils and the cookware set was also separately allotted for cooking. No one could dare to roam with eggs in hand. You can well imagine the after effects of the mess created by me in an attached bathroom of the house. The smell of egg is peculiar and it travelled fast through the nostrils of the family members. It
had done its work in fractions of a second. All ran towards the bathroom from where the smell was emanating and just give seconds to your imagination, what all could have happened in those minutes. Don’t imagine that I was spanked, I was spared but the commotion that stirred inside leaving all amazed and restless. It was more than what we see in the parliament’s session of today…now I feel like laughing out loud releasing my bouts of laughter and emotions that was suppressed at that moment.
the family members were rigorous than the court sessions which is aired in
films or in serials, luckily, I’ve not got a chance to visit court sessions.
hair wash. The family doctor proved to a god send saviour for me, he asked me to continue with the egg deal. He explained her sincerely that it was good for my hair and soon they will find the results positive…improvement in volume of my hair.
with it. Gradually, it became a habit and it did improve the texture of my
hair. In those days, no magazines came out with the idea of using eggs for
hairs and all. So, I was the inventor…hahaha… 🙂
it grew lustrous and silky. Even in schools, I was the cynosure of all eyes and all asked how I managed. I was in my teens. Been an extrovert, I plainly told them that I used eggs for the scalp and few drops of shampoo to rinse.
here goes the comments that followed:
- Oh’h my god, eggs for hair, it smells…my reaction…neutral.
- I can’t afford eggs for my breakfast and eggs for hair…No, no…my reaction…I smiled.
- How your parents react…mine will break my head blah blah…My reaction…neutral.
- My granny’s verdict will have to find a guy who can bear the cost of eggs…in the days of my invention…one egg cost…40 paise…My
reaction…smiled on their helplessness.
normally people face, have been lucky.
two normal brand Lily combs and I wash them the day I shampoo my hair. I don’t share my combs with anyone, not even with my parents, siblings or kids. If on an outing, I miss carrying them, I buy new ones but don’t use others. I am very much possessive of my combs.
silky texture, it’s difficult to keep tied for a long time or manage, though it doesn’t entangle. I am over conscious about my hair.