Wants & desires never come to an end and this crave pushes us further in life. Imagine a life without desire…it isn’t possible. An ambition to do something fruitful pulls out from the cocoon and the man starts searching to fulfill the aim.
Every child faces this question, “What you want to become?” and this question is raised to the child when he is in his primary school and not well versed with life and the world around.
Every child gives big answers, some answers on the basis of interests and some wish to step in the shoes of his parents.
But when we descend into the real world, many times “I wanted…” is side-lined and we pursue other than the pursuits that one dreamt of. There are few who dare to stand rigidly on his choice and either they make it or break it.
General crowd sweeps in the crowd that is in trend at a particular phase and his choices depend upon various factors, the trend at that moment, family views, financial issues n lot many other components lead him to make the decisions.
The real ambitions take a back seat. I was no exception. The same happened to me.
The WOW prompt took me down the memory lane. More than three decades have passed but still, the unfulfilled wish lingers.
I wanted to pursue fine arts in Music. I belonged to the family where importance was given to studies only and Music was a Big No…no. I am a lover of music and wished to pursue in this field to become a good singer strumming the hands-on guitar. Three decades before, options were limited and we did not have the privilege of the platform that today the kids have and the perception too have undergone a tremendous change.
I did not dare because the avenues were limited and there was a fear of been let out behind. The essence of music is still fresh and I breathe music so you can well understand how connected I am with Music. I wanted to become a playback singer and I became a singer…bathroom singer. 🙂
In my dream, I see myself giving programme on stage strumming an electric guitar and the audience applauding. The dream satiates my desire and I feel fresh and happy.
If my coming generation will be interested in music then I will certainly back them and help them to pursue their dream.
At this juncture of life, I learned one more thing that it’s good to have ambitions and imagination should run wild to catch but seeing the chaos and stress around, I feel we should insist the kids choose happiness as their ambition and the true happiness will give them wings to soar high and fly.
It’s important to be materialistic in life to achieve worldly things and fulfill inner desires but spirituality is equally important to become a good human being and in present scenario where man has become enemy of man and literally people are eating lives of one another so now we need to instill moral values in upcoming generation and show them that there is a world other than the materialism and for that we need only happiness.

Yes, it’s true my desires did not get wings at the right moment but while walking through thick n thin of life, I learned new things and discovered the key to success is to be happy and share happiness.
‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’
11 replies on ““I always wanted to…””
Dreams and desires drive the world. Well said.
Thanks a lot Damyanti
Memories relived….My Mother made me join Kathak classes as I wished for it when I was a Kid.But my Father did not want me to learn Kathak and I stopped going to classes. I wish I could continue and pursue it as my career.
Thanks Upasna for stopping by…it happens but we should not stop dreaming n continue our efforts n it will pay someday.
Ur post reminded me of an incident from school. I was very good with theatre and cleared audition for a famous theatre group. However, the rehearsal timings clashed with my medical coaching, so I had to leave it. The thing I left it for too eluded me as I didn't get through any prestigious medical college and eventually changed my field. Still remember the incident and curse myself for that stupid decision.
Thanks for stopping by n valuable comment
I agree Ila,ambition is important but not more important is being a good human.Very well written!
Thanks dear
I love these words, "I feel we should insist the kids to choose happiness as their ambition and the true happiness will give them wings to fly." You are so right. When I was growing up my parents didn't necessarily brush my dreams aside but they definitely made sure, making a living, keeping a roof over my head, paying bills, came first, THEN, I would be free to pursue my dreams they said. I'm pretty sure that was a trick.
Thanks for the appreciation.
Very well said Ila Ji. It's more important to be a good human-being than being a good businessman or politician or officer or professional or even artist. It's our duty to inculcate this thought in the generation next and play the required role in their character building.