Never before had I heard the word Pandemic. How our lives have taken a three-sixty degree turn! Everything has become topsy turvy!
In essence, the joy of life has been snatched. How happily we used to flutter by, going about our daily routine. Walking by roads, shopping to our heart’s content and stopping by to smell the roses; and the lockdown and we were holed up in our houses like rats.

Yes, the first lockdown was interesting. Baking cakes to satiate our sweet tooth, posting pictures of them on Insta and FB, conjuring up dishes and drinks, cleaning up our houses, and what have you!
Taking care of the plants in my house was my favorite activity. I have sung songs to them on some days. It was like a long drawn picnic.

But, then came the news of the migrant laborers and their woes. It was heart-wrenching to see small children trudging the path along with their parents and some of them losing their lives on the way. Then it was no more a nice thought. Our hearts went out to them.
We did what we could in terms of donations to various organizations that were taking care of their needs. Yet, I am sure we as a nation of so many people still did not do as much as we could have done.
As a psychologist, I keenly observe the behavior of people. Tremendous change can be seen in the behavior of people, in terms of #socialdistancing and wearing #masks.
Buses that used to be filled are now seen only with very few takers. Quite a rare sight on the Indian roads. We also saw that we can live without going to glitzy malls, eating out at fancy restaurants, going to movies and pubs and bars.
We have been brought back to our basic existence with bare necessities. Of course, with Netflix added to it 😉
Human beings need to understand and realize that we are risen from the dust and to the dust, we have to return. Humanity across the globe should take heed that technological advancement is nothing but a mere gimmick. All advanced nations were brought down on their knees by an invisible virus, the How’s and Why’s of which are still not certain.
It is still not late. If we all learn a lesson or two and live in harmony with nature, we can still be pardoned.

This is the third Guest Post of the blog train series, THE PANDEMIC THAT CHANGED OUR LIFE UPSIDE DOWN by Geetanjali Kashyap, my school mate. She is Lecturer of Psychology in DIET SOLAN and holds a diploma degree in Yoga from Himachal Pradesh University and a gold medalist.

Her adage of Life, “Life s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man. Sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.”
17 replies on “How Our Life Took a Three-Sixty Degree Turn in 2020”
Very well written, Geetanjali.. Reality check for all of us and an opportunity to glance within and reflect on our priorities and choices in life.
Ila, I have read your posts too and found them very relevant and articulate. Find them inspiring as I too have begun to write in these lockdown days..though not as prolific and we’ll as you but just beginning.
Great going ?
Looking forward to more
Thanks a lot. Share your blog url to remain connected
Nice post, geetanjali. Indeed we need to understand the importance of staying connected to nature.
Life gave us chance and way to peep inside us while taking a round turn in this pandemic lock-down.
A well-written post and captured the essence of the various stages of lockdown, quite well.
Pandemic has treated different people in variety of different ways. For some it was a break from the monotony of life but there are a few who want to break the monotony of “no job scene”. Yes, I am talking about the migrant workers. We should consider ourselves blessed to have a roof and have plenty of food choices even in this situation.
“We have risen from the dust to the dust” well said this is the only truth of life which we human almost forgotten in chasing the fast pace of life, rest all indeed a mere myth. hope this 360 degree of life will lead us to the new horizon for a new fresh and healthy start.
True indeed
Seriously when human thinks , he has control on everything. Nature and God show that we are mere a puppet in his hands.
Nice post. Yes, pandemic is telling us to learn to coexist with nature. Every living being is there for a purpose, not for us to consume, and if we disturb the balance of life consequence can be catasthropic. COVID, Amphan, locust, earth quake are all signs of that discontent.
Yeah, we need to remember the importance of wearing masks and social distancing. These are becoming the new normals and we have to cope with it.
Yes, it has been an unexpected turn in our life. And for daily wagers it has been worst nightmare. Hopefully sun will shine again.
good to share these thoughts, I am sure many of us can relate
Yes this pandemic had changed our lives drastically at various level and also taught a lot to all of us. I also feel so sad about labourer who had a life dependent on their daily wages. Hope this pandemic subsides soon and we all get back to our normal lives
yes actually the only thing that we can give to our kids is as described in the beautiful poem by Ruskin Bond. My heart poured both for the immigrant labourers and to the middle class.. often we the middle class are neglected lot and we ourselves are less considerate to ourselves.
We have seen a lot of things in the recent months. Life has become upside down and may be a disaster for many. Loved your thoughts!
You took my heart with the quotes and the lovely poem by Ruskin Bond. Yeah it’s not the technology that moves mountains, it’s the willpower of a modest creature we humans that we are brought back to be with the rise of this unknown virus. So much of life has changed making us look so small in front of this virus. This phase also teaches us all are equal. No one is created more equal.
It’s the human willpower and not the technology that moves mountains. We are slowly brought back to know this. This phase also teaches us no one is created more equal. All are same in front of nature.
You have my heart for these fantastic quotes. The poem by Ruskin Bond takes my heart away.