We are living in an era where mostly both the parents are working and generally, it’s a nuclear family base – result – children are left within the precincts of four walls with a caretaker.
Spare time of children should be used for something creative other than for educational purposes. and screen time. Something creative means to inculcate hobbies in children or encourage their creative side so that they can do better in subjects of their interest.
What are Hobbies
It can be anything such as reading, writing stories, coin, and stamp collection, gardening, drawing, sketching and painting, singing, dancing, playing outdoor games and there are weird choices of some children like mimicry, caricature, mastering in any language or spellings. The activities hold the children’s interest and they feel happy and love to engage again and again.
It can be a simple task or a complicated one but the child has fun because it matches with their interest.
How to Assess the Interest of the Child
Don’t burden your child with your hobbies that you were not able to fulfill or impose your interest – it will misfire. Assess the interest of your child and accordingly encourage them to pursue and help to inculcate in them.
If your child loves music and dance – encourage them to pursue and if required, you can enroll them into hobbies classes.
These days, there are institutes that carry hobbies classes for different age groups, you can get them admitted to one of them.
How Hobbies are Beneficial for a Child Personality?
Academics is essential for each child but sticking to only academics will not support them to be all-rounder nor their personality will have an edge. They will like, “Kue ka mendak” – lacking exposure to the world around them.
Further, how long can one study, they need time to give in to expand their knowledge and creativity where they can use their piled-up energy.
Many times, we hear from mothers that their kid is overactive or hyperactive and she does not understand how to manage. The solution is to introduce the child to the interface of a hobby where he can exhaust his/her energy and gradually become a manageable kid.
Manages Stress
Hobbies are the great stress busters and the children need to vent out their energy and boredom. Hobbies are the proper ‘escape’ from the hustle and bustle of life. It relaxes the mind and body and the children love to explore their creativity.
Imaginary Power is Improved
Nurturing hobbies tend to raise their imaginary power because the creativity and interest of the child are involved. They are free to use their imagination and it helps as a catalyst to elate their imagination.
Improvement in Physical & Mental Health
Children derive satisfaction by pursuing their hobbies, therefore, there is no scope of boredom and inactivity in their daily routine, therefore, it enhances their physical and mental capacity of the child and keeps them fit and fine.
Boosts Confidence Level
While engaging in hobbies, the child is free to use his imagination power, and creativity, there is no hard and fast rule to follow. It boosts their confidence level at whatever stage, they may be, whether they are at the initial stage or a beginner.
Knowledge Expansion
In order to follow their interest, the child is keen to know more about the subjects that they are following as a hobby. They insist on gaining proper knowledge of it and they give more time to retrieve the best information about it. This practice improves their intellect and it is good for the growing children.
What Parents Should Do
The encouragement by parents and guardians is very important and never, discourage or dishearten them. Let them pursue what they love to pursue, no ifs and buts.
Help them to be a free bird to soar their imagination to the next level and always, applaud their advances.
If you have time and interest, engage with them to make their activity time interesting and playful.
Phenomenal Changes

You will be amazed to find your lethargic or over-energetic child active and talking sane. They won’t disturb your routine and be cool and fun-loving.
Do leave your comments on what you think about my article, ready for applauds or brickbats. 😛
4 replies on “Encouraging Hobbies in Children is Beneficial for Them”
Can’t agree more Ila. I myself have seen the benefits of having a hobby and nurturing it. As a parent, I always keep telling my kids that never underestimate the importance of hobbies. You never know how they will help you in future.
Nurturing hobbies keep you engaged even in odd hours of life.
I am extraordinarily affected beside your writing talents, Thanks for this nice share.
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