
Book Review: Antar Samriddhi Ki Aor! #Meditation

Title: Antar Samriddhi Ki Aor
Author: Mrs. Ranjana Gaur
Genre: Spiritual
Publisher: Kausthubh Prakashan
ISBN: 978-93-82666-52-3
Format: Paperback
First Edition: 2018
Pages: 240
Price:  525
Source: Author Copy
Cover Design: 3.5/5
My Ratings: 4.5/5.
About the Author:
The author of the book, Antar Samriddhi Ki Aor is Ranjana Gaur. She was born in 1953 in Ranchi, Jharkhand. She started her career with Patna Radio Station and her artistic & creative skills helped her to fetch fair chance to act in theatre, IPTA, and Doordarshan. She has done Masters in Reiki Healing and from there, her inclination towards spiritualism raised its head.
Her meeting with her spiritual Guru in 1990 after reading his Guru’s Guru Autobiography, it changed her perspective and her interest in spiritualism deepened. Her inner meditative energy awakened and her interest developed her meditative powers and to see the things differently with an essence of positivity.
By the blessings of her Guru, she was appointed as a Meditation teacher and she took the reins in her hand, sharing and imbibing the teachings of her Guru.
She believes in the power of mediation and she says that it helps to realize one true self and a power to overcome negativity.
The book, Antar Samriddhi Ki Aor is a beautiful chain of the process of meditation. Spirituality is within all of us. We have to just discover and recognize it. Till you don’t recognize, you see life as a heap of happiness and struggles. You love the times of happiness but get overburdened or depressed during the phase of distrust. The author in her book has tried to explain the facts of life illustrating live examples around us and how to deal with it with a faith to overcome via meditation. The meditation has the powers to repel negative energy or transforming it into positive energy.
The meditation is not an easy exercise as it appears but by following it in routine and increasing the duration slowly will invoke interest in the process. The bad thoughts or negative pressures will leave the mind, body, and soul and in positive energy will start building up inside. The positive energy uplifts spiritualism and helps people to accept the challenges without any fear or hiccups.
She has explained how to start meditation, how to benefit from meditation and has given examples from her life. The various interactions she had with people, her own experiences from day to day life, the reactions of people in different instances and how she dealt in her life and how she taught her students to overcome.
The students were not school going kids but adults who required support to understand the realms of meditation and what actually spiritualism is. People believe that to attain spiritualism and practice meditation, one has to renounce the world and become a saint.
The author, Ranjana Gaur has honestly explained that within the normal pursuit of life maintaining a normal life, one can easily practice meditation and enjoys its power. The power of meditation is strong and useful. It changes the attitude and improves perception, the power of perceiving things, diminishes fear of losing and helps in accepting the facts of life.
To know more about the subjects, buy the book, “Antar Samriddhi Ki Aor” and discover the ways and techniques that she has mentioned to follow and her stories from her daily life. The stories are interesting and intriguing.
I have finished the book but still, I am not delving deep because I want you all to buy the book and read for yourself.
My Take:
I received the copy from the author and read thoroughly. I was inspired by her thoughts and it did help to change my ability to perceive knocking negativity down. I do believe in meditation powers and my father got a chance to attend her meditation classes and it helped him in the bouts of Parkinson. I highly recommend this book and request to practice meditation. It has the power to cure diseases, enhance mood and liven up life by energizing our soul. Give time to yourself every day and recognize your power and awaken your inner consciousness.
To Buy books, Amazon: Click here
Image Credits: Ila Varma & Ranjana Gaur.
Reviewer: Ila Varma.

Disclaimer: It is an honest review, no biasedness. I believe in the powers of meditation and spiritualism and could connect easily with the author’s thought process and her writings.

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By Ila Varma

Blogger By Profession, Brand Ambassador, Freelancer Content Writer, Creative Writer, Ghost Writer, Influencer, Poet.

Life without Music, just can't think of. Admirer of Nature.
In spite of odds in life, I Keep Smiling and Keep the Spirits burning.

My favourite Adage, "Do Good & The Good Comes Back to You!"

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