The evening sets early Darkness creeping in Tap-Tap on the glass panes Flakes of snow in layers Gathering in. My numb hands Wraps Mug of Steaming Coffee I invigilate earnestly Trees embellished with Snow. © Ila Varma 22-01-2016
Blogger By Profession, Brand Ambassador, Freelancer Content Writer, Creative Writer, Ghost Writer, Influencer, Poet.
Life without Music, just can't think of. Admirer of Nature.
In spite of odds in life, I Keep Smiling and Keep the Spirits burning.
My favourite Adage, "Do Good & The Good Comes Back to You!"
The evening sets early Darkness creeping in Tap-Tap on the glass panes Flakes of snow in layers Gathering in. My numb hands Wraps Mug of Steaming Coffee I invigilate earnestly Trees embellished with Snow. © Ila Varma 22-01-2016
बारिश की बौछारबदले सर्दी का मिजाजजिंदगी आसां घर बैठे लोगों काचाय-काॅफी की चुस्की सेलुफ्त उठाते सर्दी कीकठिन है जिंदगी उनकीजिनके पास छत नहींसर छुपाने केना ही गर्म कपङेतन को बचाने केकिन्हीं के लिएआनंदमयी सुहानी सर्दीकितनों के लिएहाङ कंपा देने वाली ठण्डयह भी करती भेदभावइंसानों की भांति।। © इला वर्मा 20-01-2016
रूबरू हुए हम बीते पल से सजते थे महफिल हमारे दम पर।। समय के चक्रवात ने कर दिया चकनाचूर संजोए उम्मीद सारे।। दफन हो गये सब ख्बाब हमारे रह गए सिर्फ अवसाद हमारे।। एक आस है बाकि कभी तो, कहीं तो मिलेगें हम एक बार।। © इला वर्मा 19-01-2016
A book is a dream that you hold in your hand. –Neil Gaiman I am fond of reading books. I read a lot of them and most genres, I love reading except for ghost stories or murders. I despise them as they disturb my thoughts. I have made it a point to buy books worth […]
In teens infatuated by the silver screen puffed in the air embarked in fashion. Frisky buddies engrossed in frailties of smoking of boozing in passion. Now The body shudders in pain in rage Caught in the net of Addiction. © Ila Varma 14-01-2016 […]
Dark clouds hovers Sprawling gloom all over A silent voice Deep within me “Whispers” Am I going to be exempted, From the redemption of fate. Off and On It blesses me with intricacies Of health I fight tight Conquering the ongoing With a wide smile Trampling down forever. Other Stands in a queue Waiting for […]
“The power of silence is more vivacious than the power of meaningless words. “ I was raised in a joint family, where silence was an alien in this world of commotion. I say commotion because three generations lived under the same roof and each generation had a different set of rule for […]
“It’s easy to stand in the crowd but it takes courage to stand alone”― Mahatma Gandhi Life is the most uncertain thing in this world but we insist on making it certain, thriving all our ambitions and expectations on it and that keeps us going. Robert Frost has rightly said, “In three words I can […]
जमाने ने गम दियातो मैं चीखी- चिल्लायीपरजब अपनों ने सितम ढायातो आँखें हुई नमदिल रोया जार-जारखाई थी चोट अपनों सेजाती मैं कहाँ।।© इला वर्मा 09-01-2016