Image Credits: here Whenever I saw a heroine dancing to the peppy tunes of music and the way she carried herself in dancing, […]
Blogger By Profession, Brand Ambassador, Freelancer Content Writer, Creative Writer, Ghost Writer, Influencer, Poet.
Life without Music, just can't think of. Admirer of Nature.
In spite of odds in life, I Keep Smiling and Keep the Spirits burning.
My favourite Adage, "Do Good & The Good Comes Back to You!"
Image Credits: here Whenever I saw a heroine dancing to the peppy tunes of music and the way she carried herself in dancing, […]
“I’m breaking stereotypes based on appearance by sharing my experience for the #IAmCapable activity at BlogAdda in association with Nihar Naturals.” We often quote the quotes, “Looks are Deceptive”, “Never judge a book with its cover”, “Don’t judge a person by their clothes”, we keep saying these things but in practice, we don’t adhere to […]
Image Credits: here Everyone is well aware of the fact that looks can be deceptive, still people adjudge people on looks and the […]
There are umpteen ways to celebrate this occasion of Valentine Day and the fervor of V-Day has gripped people of all ages and the advertisements and promotions by the corporate promoters, social sites, media, newsprint and a vogue to celebrate the occasion has given wings to it. Turn your eyes around and you will see […]
Morning shows the Day!!!
Pic Courtesy: here When I was in my teens, we had only two days in a year to celebrate other than the Independence Day and Republic Day and […]
Source: here “There’s no such thing as complete when it comes to […]
My close friend had been to the engineering college for Alumni meet. I couldn’t navigate because of my preoccupations at work and I could not get the leave for the occasion. He had shot the video of the celebration and visited my place with his lappy to show the shot video. I was excited to […]
Source: here I was pursuing Plus two from one of the reputed convent school. There was a get together at my friend’s […]
Image Source: here Garbage has become synonym with Delhi, feel ashamed to mention it is the capital of our country India, our Fantastico Delhi once known for its rich historical […]