Wished to share tonnes but the blank expressions on their faces Stopped me from venting!….© Ila Varma 24-05-2016
Blogger By Profession, Brand Ambassador, Freelancer Content Writer, Creative Writer, Ghost Writer, Influencer, Poet.
Life without Music, just can't think of. Admirer of Nature.
In spite of odds in life, I Keep Smiling and Keep the Spirits burning.
My favourite Adage, "Do Good & The Good Comes Back to You!"
Wished to share tonnes but the blank expressions on their faces Stopped me from venting!….© Ila Varma 24-05-2016
Views of Moon from my balcony..I could not resist the beauty and captured in my lens.
“Divya…Please come to my room, I need your presence…no excuses dear…” A message pinged on my mobile. I checked my watch, it was nearing to midnight. A cold shiver ran through my spine. Why Tia wants me at this odd time, never before she has troubled me? Is it a foul play by some mischievous […]
“Drooping heads figure dangling behind window!”…..© Ila Varma 21-05-2016
It takes days to learn good manners and etiquette’s, Just babble a bad abusive word, you will find that soon it is used…What an art..Lol 😛 #1linerWeds
Never underestimate my power to judge I am capable enough but I choose to keep silent pursing smile on my lips so that you continue to challenge yourself to be a better self, tomorrow. 🙂 © Ila Varma 18-05-2016
I paced by steps Someone was following me My heart thud in the rib-cage fearing something untoward. As I turned to my gate it stood beside me gathering courage bewildered I turned Ohh, It was my shadow. © Ila Varma 18-05-2016
The mirror standing in my room crashedSuperstition loomed large, my mother cashedI had to go on a dateMy beautiful friend was on waitHad to convince my mom fast. © Ila Varma 17-05-2016
As I was about to step out My niece sneezed and coughed out Granny asked me to cancel my interview Inauspicious moments lie ahead, it was her view Tearing the beliefs,I received a call with a positive result out. © Ila Varma 17-05-2016 Superstition
तेरे आने के खुशी में पलकें भींगी मेरी थाम न पाया आँसूओं का सैलाब जब होने लगी तू रूखसत।। रोक न पाया तुझे क्योंकि तू अमानत थी किसी और की।। खिलते थे गुलिस्तां मेरे मन के बगिया में पर, तेरी जङे थी किसी और के मल्कियत में।। ख्वाहिस बस इत्ती सी रहे जहाँ भी झूमती […]