©varmaila.com 2016 […]
Blogger By Profession, Brand Ambassador, Freelancer Content Writer, Creative Writer, Ghost Writer, Influencer, Poet.
Life without Music, just can't think of. Admirer of Nature.
In spite of odds in life, I Keep Smiling and Keep the Spirits burning.
My favourite Adage, "Do Good & The Good Comes Back to You!"
©varmaila.com 2016 […]
Source Life without friends, just can’t think of it. Friends are a wonderful blessings of God who treads […]
 When I was in my childhood, I did not have the privilege of TV, radio was there but it wasn’t for the kids of the house, so we were entirely dependent upon our Granny for the story-time or story hours. Normally, the time was fixed, so I mentioned story hours, either in the afternoons or […]
Deep seated fear made her wary The dreams that followed her was scary He dawned in her life To make her his wife But she was in no mood to make merry. ********************************************************************************* He had a phobia of flying Friends requested to keep trying Turbulence in mid-air shook the airbus He caught the […]
Too much of awareness & curiosity of public is crumbling the prevailing System; Let the people responsible do their work honestly to stabilize peace. This post is regarding the hue & cry for providing proof  for surgical operations carried out by Indian Army on 29th Sep.2016. Musings of an Empty Mind By Ila Varma Oct. […]
HERE The human heart is an organ that pumps blood throughout the […]
“We have one precious life: do something extraordinary today, even if it’s tiny. A pebble starts the avalanche.”― K.A. Laity Start attending to things that appears minuscule, these small activities will raise your bar and one day, you will find that you have done a great work. The little acts that adds joys in one […]
Source I read on some blog that the child is a parcel of a mother whom she chooses to bring into […]
I was raised in a conservative family where three generations lived under one roof so I had to handle my great grandmother, my granny, my mother, three ladies of three generations ,so you can well understand my position among these three and I had to see that all remain happy and satisfied by our behavior. […]
A Child asks: When we will quit from learning? I said: Never, it goes on. Child: O My God, I thought after few years, I will be free from the burden of books. I said: No Dear, A long way to go. This is your best period of life, enjoy. Child: How you say best? […]