Source Sacred Ganges flows distant & wide With no concerns & vehemency of shape up Smilingly transforms […]
Blogger By Profession, Brand Ambassador, Freelancer Content Writer, Creative Writer, Ghost Writer, Influencer, Poet.
Life without Music, just can't think of. Admirer of Nature.
In spite of odds in life, I Keep Smiling and Keep the Spirits burning.
My favourite Adage, "Do Good & The Good Comes Back to You!"
Source Sacred Ganges flows distant & wide With no concerns & vehemency of shape up Smilingly transforms […]
Close View of Shore Temple Mahabalipuram through my Lens View of Shore Temple from East Side Front-view of Shore […]
“Dear Daughter, I gave you liberty to stand n express yourself but you stood against me & barred me from expression, Is this fair, my Daughter?” #Distressed Parent’s Thought. It’s true from time immemorial, daughters of this land were suppressed or are been suppressed and many voices were raised to give freedom and rights […]
Source Evils, evils, evils everywhere. The Good comes out of evil and it persists if evil is […]
Varied Species of Cactus at Gujarat Science City, Ahmedabad. Snaps taken by me © Ila Varma 2013 Linked to #DAILYCHATTER #UBC DAY SIXTEEN #Blogboost #UBC #DailyChatter @blogchatter #AlexaRank
Hey, now I am 28 years old, unbelievable. Am going to be a life thriving on this planet for three decades, O my goodness, time passed so quickly… Today I was asked to write a letter to my 16-year-old self. In beginning, it appeared easy but in reality when I sat with my keyboard…it […]
Today, I was feeling low and wanted to flip the pages of time when I was my real self without any artificial enamors and true to myself. I parked my car near by the park and strolled inside. The sunny afternoon of winters was soothing and I took a seat under the tree, the sun-rays filtering through the branches […]
He was my friend for long Friendship bond was strong When his fingers stroked mine His caresses felt fine Taste of love blended with our song. © Ila Varma 14-10-2016 Linked with Mind and Life Matters & #DAILYCHATTER #UBC DAY FOURTEEN
I waited for the day to be at the threshold of teens and along-with it, had so many aspirations, varied dreams strewn with it and the day arrived and my friends n family wished me good luck to be GA Ga with the early teens. Till few years back, I was dying to take an […]