I was overjoyed to participate in Blog Marathan of Blogchatter and was quite enthusiastic to complete it […]
Blogger By Profession, Brand Ambassador, Freelancer Content Writer, Creative Writer, Ghost Writer, Influencer, Poet.
Life without Music, just can't think of. Admirer of Nature.
In spite of odds in life, I Keep Smiling and Keep the Spirits burning.
My favourite Adage, "Do Good & The Good Comes Back to You!" I was overjoyed to participate in Blog Marathan of Blogchatter and was quite enthusiastic to complete it […]
Terror looms,peace busted In-spite of risk,they stand straight Salute army! “Loom” is the word of the day for the Tuesday. Terror hovering on our country, creating restlessness n the fleet of Army safeguards our country. Pic Credits: here
Tamaso Ma Jyotirgamaya. Lead me from darkness to light! Light arrangements @home on the night of Deepawali 2016 All Rights Reserved of Ila Varma 2016. The Pictures are the property of
Parenting isn’t an easy task, we all know and people make it more difficult if they vent out their frustrations n burdens on the innocent n cute kids, who are bundles of joys in real sense. There are few things that the parents, to be parents or who are the parents need to be reminded […]
I was in Class 7 as far as I remember. I along with my friends were playing in the open field nearby our residence.It was wintry afternoon. Suddenly, I saw a boy falling down from the buffalo that he was riding n started writhing on the fields. Leaving our game, we all ran near to him […]
Joy has numerous meanings and people can feel the joy when one indulges oneself full fledged. The intensity can only be felt if you drown yourself into it, the joy will be ethereal n you will feel on top of the world. The ways of achieving joy varies from person to person, some derives from […]
When they met Sparks flew blowing the trumpet of admiration. They peeped into each other’s eyes their heart fluttered sparking love for each other. Again they met and confessed their love for each other. In celebration they decorated and ignited colorful sparklers & candles. © Ila Varma 2016 Linked to dVerse Quadrille#19 & #DAILYCHATTER #UBC DAY TWENTY EIGHT […]
Seasons shift and change Moods swings in rain, heat- cold canes Spring sprang with joy & cheer! © Ila Varma Oct.2016 Linked to Haiku Horizons, #DAILYCHATTER #UBC DAY TWENTY EIGHT #Blogboost #UBC #DailyChatter @blogchatter #AlexaRank #MyAffairWithWords Pic Source: here
Green leaves Transformed yellow Yellow turned crimson Left their abode forever Rustling winds took them over Choreographing a spark Of rustling music Gradually settling On the earth cover Chromatic bedspread The golden rays Refracting On the crimson ground Creates A magical kaleidoscopic view To watch Amalgamation Of colors sparkle Transforming The ambiance Divine Such is […]
Whenever I see this picture, mixed feeling arises within and I’m reminded of my younger son, Tuktuk, who cried at the time of every haircut till the age of two and a half and no amount of cajoling could stop him from crying, even the glimpse of this child is very close to my […]