
Gifts for Mother’s Day!!! #LoveandRelationships

Mother’s Day is round the corner and the market is flooded with various gifts, flowers, schemes in restaurants and pizza hubs. Since a decade or so, the celebration of this day has kicked the market and the children’s emotions are satiated by celebrating this day and the market does a brisk business on such celebrations. […]


Content Writing Fitness Health Lifestyle

Safe & Pleasurable!!! #Condom usage in India

    Sex is essential for procreation as well as recreation. To enjoy safe sex and for sexual wellness, one needs to adopt a method of contraception. The safe method is the usage of condoms to be free from worries of conceiving or transmitting STD diseases. A condom is regarded as one of the safe methods […]



Are you Just With Your Children? #AtoZChallenge

Many times, we come across such parents who favour one child more than the other. I feel very bad for those kids and I believe that been unjust, the parents are creating a strife between the siblings. It is not healthy for the children, it stunts their emotional growth and inferiority complex envelops them. Many […]



Musings XII

#Knowledge   Bookish knowledge helps you to gain numbers The knowledge of worldly affairs outnumbers. One should not be bookworm. Been bookish will not help the person to rule in the world. One need to have practical knowledge to compete with the world. You can get a job based on numbers but you can’t fare […]



Musings XI

#Justice Delayed is Justice Denied. Wish to see the changes in the dictum of our laws. Cases are pending long in courts Innocents are often behind the bars Waiting for the justice The culprits move freely. In wait of justice One or two generation perish But the case is not resolved. In India, judiciary is […]



Musings X

#Irony Watching him messing with food I went into the flashback When I used to mess around And he used to clean out And acted stern to not repeat it again. Now he does & I clean Making him understand as a child not to repeat it again. It makes me cry at the irony […]


Content Writing Lifestyle

How to Make Your Child Independent?

Independent child is a virtue to the parents and society if they are raised in the right manner. A parent gives the right to independence to the child with a belief that the child will use it in the right manner. The responsibility lies on the child to keep up the faith. Recently, I visited […]



Hacker #AtoZChallenge

The woman is reborn when she becomes a mother. Howsoever careless she was, the day she cuddles her bundle of joy, she becomes responsible, caring and her heart is full of love. Her day starts with the child and her night ends with her child. She is so obsessed to give her child all the […]



Musings IX

#Heaven  People enter the temple to beg for heaven ignoring the beggars at the entrance of the temple. If you really wish to avail heaven in your life Help the real needy people. Instead of donating money & jewelry to temples Donate the same to educate the child of an unprivileged. Heaven or Hell is […]



Musings VIII

#Gratitude We need to be thankful for what we have, but do we do or feel so…very few. Many take it as their own creation and don’t fathom to give the credit to others. It’s true the creativity that one creates is his own power but what about the powers that we are enjoying for […]


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