“Keep high aspirations, moderate expectations, and small needs,” if we follow this adage then I’m sure we will be away from the impending issues that jeopardize our life. We do just the opposite of what Stein said, we scale higher our needs, exaggerate our expectations and keep the aspirations at ebb and problem greet us from all sides.
If you aim high and if you don’t achieve the zenith, then you won’t fall down in slum rather you will be a step or two down but still on safer side.
If we tread sincerely then we are less bound to invite troubles and happiness and cheerfulness will be in our reach and we will be happy souls.
Follow Stein advise and be on safer and lighter side of life, you will be surrounded with love, good health and vigour…I have started my take…when are you going to start…maybe after you finish reading my take…Right.
Keep high aspirations, moderate expectations, and small needs.
Wordy Wednesday #3-March2016 #SentencePrompt